Reading to a hundred times for the degree, are advised to chew over and over again cooked, taste, tenor. ~ (Ming Lun Ho Ho house rules)
佛教經典口袋書,身爲佛子的您,一定要擁有的App。目前搜錄了下列經典:1. 入行論2. 般若波羅蜜多心經3. 八大人覺經4. 隨念三寶經5. 普門品6. 紫檀林度母讚7. 三十五佛懺8. 六臂怙主讚9. 三十八攝頌10. 修心八偈11. 廣論科判表12. 歸敬頌直式閱讀是最好的經典閱讀方式。背書的好處1.古來偉人成就的原因:古來聖賢都是背書長大的,任何一個想有成就的人,一定要背書。2.方便使用:只要背在腦袋裡面,就不用帶書在身邊。3.獲得智慧珍寶:每背一句,就是獲得聖賢的智慧,是很殊勝的一件事。4.對治愚癡、老年痴呆:背書可以對治愚癡。我們背的書都是聖人的經典跟智慧,所以能對治愚癡。也能避免老了之後得到老年痴呆症。二諦軟體為了推廣背書,特別設計了『百遍背書』系列App,提供七日百遍和十日百遍兩種背誦方式,希望大家一起來背書。Buddhist classic pocket book, as a Buddha, you must have an app. The following classics have been searched:Entry theory2. Prajna Paramita3. Eight people feel4. With the three treasures5. Pumenpin6. Rosewood Forest7. Thirty-five Buddhas8. Six-armed 怙 main praise9. Thirty-eight photos10. Mindful gossip11. Widely speaking the judgement12. HonorStraight reading is the best way to read classics.Endorsement benefits1. The reasons for the achievements of the ancient great men: the ancient sages grew up in endorsements, and anyone who wants to achieve something must endorse.2. Convenient to use: As long as you are inside your head, you dont have to bring a book around you.3. Gain wisdom treasure: Every time you recite a sentence, you are the wisdom of the sage, which is a very special thing.4. Treating fools and dementia: Endorsement can be a cure for fools. The books we carry are the classics and wisdom of the saints, so we can treat fools. It is also possible to avoid getting Alzheimers disease after getting old.In order to promote the endorsement, the second software has specially designed the “Hundreds of Endorsements” series of apps, offering seven kinds of seven-day and ten-day and one hundred back-to-back methods. I hope everyone will endorse them together.使用者自訂背書文字的大小。